Fun things to do in Hakodate: 34 fun attractions and activities (2025)

I used to live in Yamaguchi-ken, which boasts it's own former British consulate. Obviously, upon discovering that Hakodate had one too, I had to pay it a visit while I was in the area. It has a small garden, with a fountain and a smart little restaurant. There is also a gift shop where you can buy British-y things, should the desire take you.It is set in a very nice area of Hakodate where you can stroll around for a few hours taking in the Japanese-cum-European architecture.

Nick M — Google review

7月11日 意外なおすすめ函館お土産の写真1枚追加タラスミ スケソウダラの卵巣版カラスミですが、代用品を超えてバカにしたもんじゃないです!僕は今飲めないけど、しっかり重めの純米酒、そうだな〜、秋鹿あたりかな〜、に合うと思います。この品、良いのですかまだ、導入部!タラ昆布 函館空港の到着ロビー1階のLAWSONで、No.1ヒットとあったのでパスモのチャージも従ったので試しに1つ買って見ました。その版試すと大ヒット!で、市中のLAWSON見かける都度探したのですがなぜかない?で、帰路の空港で出発ゲートに登る前慌てて10個ご購入です。渡した人の評判も上々!なんと、1つ税込み184円!絶対買いです。干し鱈とかごめ昆布細切り(多分商品にならないような端っこのちぎれたような部位)を混ぜただけの素朴なものですが塩加減の塩梅もよく、こっちはクリーンなフルーティな純米酒に合うと思います。お勧めです、函館観光スポット五稜郭エリアと函館山エリアを2日目、最終日にかけて回りました。夫夫の名所に入館するとその料金だけで散財するので無料エリア限定の外観撮影中心の散策ですので夫夫2時間もあれば十分です。観光スポット正直やることないのでしてるだけで興味あまりない人ですので!✰ 五稜郭エリア⦿ 五稜郭江戸幕府終焉、明治新時代幕開けの地五稜郭。坂本竜馬好き、近代史好きな方々はたまらないでしょう。大河ドラマにもなりましたし、しか~し、僕あまり興味ないです。2日目に行きましたがやはり観光客の年齢層高く、若い方は祖父母や家族と一緒にという方が太宗でした。タワーには登りませんでしたが五稜郭を一周してリタワーロビーの展示物見たりで何とか過ごしました。⦿ 遺愛女子中学校・高等学校最古のミッション系スクールの1つで建物は重要文化財指定のようですが現在建替え工事中みたいです。小説、映画、CM等にも多く使われているようですが観光スポットとして一般開放しているわけではありません。JKが市電で通学しているようですが人懐っこくは見えませんでした。個人的感想です。⦿ 函館唯一のデパート丸井今井レストランバスクでの昼食後最終日に函館山エリア観光に備え市電5番の函館どつく行きに五稜郭公園前駅から乗車途中に腹ごなしも兼ねて立ち寄り。すると、なんと資生堂がメーク教室をマンツーマンで実施してくださるとの事で時間つぶしもあり受講しました。正直、東京では最低限の買い物をして、資生堂かSHUuemuraの美容部員さんにやってもらえますが、ココでは自分で対応するのをレッスン形式でサポートするとの事で楽しかったですよ。いわゆる、アトラクション参加気分になりました。アイメークの仕上げで際の部分をアイライナーで書くのですが自分でやると怖いです。✰ 函館山エリア⦿ 旧イギリス領事館テラスのカフェもありますが、函館観光で僕的には1番の場所でした。何が良かったかというと、当時のゴージャスなマントが自由に着用でき全身鏡で撮影できるところです。エロ男爵の沢村一樹ならぬ僕にぴったり!勿論写真投稿しましたが、前述のデパートでのメーク教室後とあわせて得も言われぬ変人ぶりです、メークの先生の予想通り札幌と違って函館田舎だし、資生堂あるけどSHU uemuraは、札幌行かないとないしで地元の道民ならぬ函館市民女子ドン引きですよー、の予想通りでした。トホホ!✰ その他函館山とローブウェイ等函館山は元町公園あたりから見上げましてがロープウェイで山頂に行き展望台というのは見送りです。旧イギリス領事館のあとは、旧函館区公会堂、元町公園、数々の教会と神社を周りこの辺りは略略カバーしたと思いますが、外人墓地と赤レンガ倉庫街は見送りです。坂は、旧イギリス領事館・元町公園方面に登り.厳島神社角を下りという感じで市電の駅に例えると末広町から十字街という一駅間×旧函館区公会堂から厳島神社の間の面積・長方形をカバーしたという感じです。⦿アド街グッドガールズ函館編函館山観光地帯の北海道函館西高等学校のJKと五稜郭周辺の遺愛女子中学校・高等学校JKを中心にアド街グッドガールズ函館を3つに分割して編集しました。初めは、一本でインスタ上まとめたのですがGoogle Photoで見れるようにダウンロードできなかったので3分割しました。誤解の無いよう一言申し上げますと僕ロリコンではありません。函館の若手というとJK位しか見かけなかったというだけの単純な事情で、その意味でも相性悪いです。✰ 丸井今井資生堂のメーク先生の予想結論からゆうと、道民性ではなく市民性が出てドン引きで「大当たり〜」でした。また、JK達ドン引きしながら距離間を保ちつつ、歩きスマホの向きと角度が近づくにつれ、こちらに!明らかに全員ではないですが、何人かに写真・動画撮られてます。既にスナチャとかにアップされローカルなチャットネタ提供したかもです。✰ インスタ動画のMapへの写真追加方法誰かそのまま貼り付ける方法教えて下さい。写真を追加メニューにインスタ出てくるのですが動画を選択すると作ったリールが表示されないので、インスタから保存しMapに写真追加というメンディな方法採ってますが、インスタのリールのままであれば作業は効率的だし、音源そのままだし(このリールにはABCシャングリラを使ってます)、30秒にダイジェストされないしと良い事だらけです。少し時間を待てば出てくるのかな?(Translated by Google)July 11th Added a photo of an unexpectedly recommended Hakodate souvenirRoasted roe It's the ovary version of Alaska pollack, but it's more than a substitute and it's not stupid! I can't drink it now, but I think it goes well with a solid, heavy junmai sake. Is this item good? Still an introductory part!Cod kelp: LAWSON on the 1st floor of the arrival lobby at Hakodate Airport said it was the No. 1 hit, so I followed up on my PASMO charge, so I bought one to try. I tried that version and it was a big hit! So, every time I see LAWSON in the city, I look for it, but why not? So, before climbing the departure gate at the airport on the way home, I hurriedly purchased 10 of them. The reputation of the person who passed it is also excellent! 184 yen including tax! Absolutely buy. It's a simple mix of dried cod and shredded Kagome kombu (the parts that are probably torn off at the ends that won't make it into a commercial product). . It is recommended,Hakodate sightseeing spot Goryokaku area and Mt. Hakodate area on the second and final day. If you enter the famous place of Mr. and Mrs., you will spend a lot of money just for that fee, so it is a walk around the exterior shooting limited to the free area, so 2 hours is enough. Sightseeing spots I honestly don't have anything to do, so I'm just a person who doesn't have much interest!✰ Goryokaku area⦿ GoryokakuGoryokaku marks the end of the Edo Shogunate and the beginning of the new Meiji era. Those who like Ryoma Sakamoto and those who like modern history will be irresistible. It's been turned into a Taiga drama, but I'm not really interested in it. I went on the second day, but the age group of tourists was still high, and it was better for young people to go with their grandparents and family. I didn't climb the tower, but I managed to spend some time around Goryokaku and seeing the exhibits in the Retower lobby.⦿ Iai Girls' Junior and Senior High SchoolIt is one of the oldest mission schools, and the building seems to be designated as an important cultural property, but it seems that it is currently under construction. It seems that it is often used in novels, movies, commercials, etc., but it is not open to the public as a tourist spot. JK seems to be commuting to school by streetcar, but I didn't see it as friendly. This is my personal impression.⦿ Hakodate's only department store Marui ImaiOn the last day after lunch at Restaurant Basque, we stopped by on the way to Hakodate Dotsuku on the No. 5 streetcar from Goryokaku Koen-mae Station in preparation for sightseeing in the Mt. Hakodate area. Then, I was told that Shiseido would hold a one-on-one makeup class, so I took the class to pass the time. To be honest, in Tokyo, you can buy the bare minimum and have the beauty staff at Shiseido or SHUuemura do it for you, but here it was fun to learn how to do it myself in a lesson format. I felt like I was participating in an attraction. When I finish my eye makeup, I use eyeliner to draw the edges, but I'm afraid to do it myself.✰ Mt. Hakodate area⦿ Former British ConsulateThere is also a cafe on the terrace, but for me it was the best place for sightseeing in Hakodate. The good thing is that you can freely wear the gorgeous cloak of the time and shoot with a full-length mirror. It's perfect for me, not Kazuki Sawamura, the erotic baron! Of course, I posted a photo, but after the makeup class at the department store mentioned above, I'm a weirdo. And, although there is Shiseido, SHU uemura has to go to Sapporo. Tohoho!✰ Other Mt.Hakodate and ropeway etc.Mt. Hakodate looks up from around Motomachi Park, but the ropeway goes to the top of the mountain and the observatory is a send-off. After the former British Consulate, I think I covered the former Hakodate Ward Public Hall, Motomachi Park, numerous churches and shrines, but skipped the foreigner's cemetery and red brick warehouse district. The slope goes up in the direction of the former British Consulate and Motomachi Park.If you compare it to a streetcar station, the area and rectangle between the former Hakodate Ward public hall and Itsukushima Shrine is between Suehiro-cho and Jujigai. It is a feeling that covered.⦿Ad Street Good Girls Hakodate EditionThe ad street Good Girls Hakodate was divided into three parts and edited, focusing on JK from Hokkaido Hakodate Nishi High School in the Mt. At first, I put it together on Instagram in one piece, but I couldn't download it so I could see it on Google Photo, so I divided it into three.To avoid misunderstandings, I'm not a lolicon. When it comes to young people in Hakodate, it's a simple situation that I've only seen JK ranks, and in that sense, it's a bad match.✰ Marui Imai Shiseido's make-up teacher's predictionsFrom the conclusion, it was a "jackpot" with a pull out of citizenship rather than citizenship. In addition, the JKs kept their distance while walking, and as the direction and angle of the smartphone approached, this way! Clearly not all of them, but some people were taking pictures and videos. It may have already been uploaded to Sunacha and provided a local chat story.✰ How to add photos from Instagram videos to MapPlease someone tell me how to paste it. Instagram appears in the add photo menu, but when you select a video, the created reel is not displayed, so I take the convenient method of saving from Instagram and adding photos to the map, but if it is the reel of Instagram, it will work is efficient, the sound source is as it is (I use ABC Shangri-La for this reel), and it is full of good things that it is not digested in 30 seconds.Will it come out if I wait for a while?

????????? — Google review

It doesn't take much time to explore, but I enjoyed the visit. As a foreigner living in Japan, I especially was interested in learning the history of this place. I also like how all the rooms are walkable. In many other old houses, the rooms and furniture are gated or roped off, but not here! I recommend buying the pass if you intend to visit other museums as you end of saving money.

Cameron C — Google review

7月初旬にお邪魔したところ、お庭の色とりどりのバラが満開で、とても風情がありました。旧函館区公会堂との2館共通券500円でお得に入館しました。(通常入館料は300円)2階の展示は期待以上のものがあり、函館開港について大変勉強になりました。その他に、ちょっとトリッキーな顔はめパネルがあったり、イギリス国王の王冠、マント、ステッキを着用して自由に写真撮影できるお部屋もありました。1階にはショップやカフェがあり、全体的に見て楽しい博物館でした。(Translated by Google)When I visited in the beginning of July, the colorful roses in the garden were in full bloom and it was very tasteful.I got a good deal with a 500 yen common ticket for the two museums with the Old Public Hall of Hakodate Ward. (Normal admission fee is 300 yen)The exhibition on the second floor was more than I expected, and I learned a lot about the opening of Hakodate Port.In addition, there is a slightly tricky face panel, and there is also a room where you can freely take pictures wearing the British crown, cloak, and walking stick.Overall it was a fun museum with a shop and cafe on the ground floor.

Ko K — Google review

Excellent piece of preserved history! I was pleasantly surprised at the level of detail and effort put into the building and its amenities so well done to the staff!The cafe is also a must for tea and biscuits aficionados that proves a welcome lunch time respite!

Conn M — Google review

Beautiful and well kept buildingLocated the mid level of hill, break taking viewWorth visit

Love U — Google review

現在の建物は1913(大正2)年、イギリス当局の設計によって竣工し、1934(昭和9)年に閉鎖されるまで領事館として使用されていたそうです。周辺施設を併せて観るのであれば共通券を購入することで少しお得になります。共通券は、函館市北方民族資料館、函館市文学館、函館市旧イギリス領事館、旧函館区公会堂の4つの施設から2館以上入館する場合に、入館する館数にあわせて各々の施設受付窓口で買えます。(Translated by Google)The current building was completed in 1913 (Taisho 2) based on a design by the British authorities, and was used as a consulate until it was closed in 1934 (Showa 9).If you want to see the surrounding facilities together, you can save a little money by purchasing a common ticket. If you wish to enter two or more of the following four facilities: Hakodate City Museum of Northern Peoples, Hakodate City Literature Museum, Hakodate Former British Consulate, and Former Hakodate Ward Public Hall, you can use the common ticket at the reception desk of each facility according to the number of facilities you wish to enter. You can buy it at

Sh A — Google review

It’s a nice stop but I don’t think it has much of context to charge for admission fee.

Publicly — Google review

Located in front of the old public hall of Hakodate, the former British consulate is a very old building that is maintained very well. It's now become a tourist attraction with an exhibit on the upper floor and tea room on the ground floor. There's an entrance fee to access the exhibit.

Richard F — Google review

Interesting to get to know Hakodate International trade history. Put things in contest.

Frédéric W — Google review

A very historic building. The Former British Consulate was built in 1859 as the British consulate in Hakodate, which was then one of the few Japanese ports open to foreign trade. It is atwo-story wooden building and now houses a museum that tells the story of the British consulate in Hakodate.

Ross D — Google review

Pickup your ticket here for both the consulate and the public ward. You're free to view the outside of the building, however the inside is quaint and has been well preserved. Very western style architecture in contrast to some of the other attractions in the area

K B — Google review

I think this is not for everyone unless you have interest in British history and influence to Hakodate. It's a small museum that can be finished by 30min if you're that fast. I don't think this is worth visiting if none of your company is interested to this.

Roma V — Google review

Had unpleasant EXPERIENCE for 4 of us when we visited. Firstly staff says no sharing under their "Serving for one person" house rules. We observed this and ordered 2 sets of tea & pastries. AFTER we sat down then a senior staff curtly INSISTED all 4 must order one set each. And that our 2 others CANNOT SIT IN THE CAFE. We reiterated that One serving rule (printed in English) DID NOT, NOR EXPLICITLY MEAN, SAY NOR IMPLY that others cannot sit! And English is our first language. And she was adamant that her explanation was correct. We said if we were told clearly at ordering we would not have, as we were heading for dinner and just wanted the experience of the visit. We did the next best thing, we walked out after getting our refund. First time in my life I had a cafe with such a stoic policy and worse unable to convey it accurately. Don't go there!!!

TriCollect 1 — Google review

It has a small garden with a fountain.You have to pay to view inside the building. However the gift shop and the tea shop you can go in for free.

Zaw K — Google review

It was dirt cheap for a combined ticket so if you're around/passing by, it's worth popping in. If anything, I think the appeal of it was mostly the "English" vibes, e.g. Western style rooms and English tea room, but personally as a Brit that wasn't very exciting for me. I did get a kick out of seeing them selling pictures of Kate and Will and Paddinngton Bear in the gift shop.The history side of it was okay, and I definitely picked up some interesting information, but it's a small space.Overall, provided you're not interested in afternoon tea/general British vibes, you could probably be in and out of here in half an hour.

R. — Google review

Visit here to enjoy 2800 yen (per personX2) afternoon's set. Beautiful place and Wedgewood tea cups but food isn't recommendable. it's not worth of it. Sandwich another cakes are not valuable, some low quality. Just try tea. You can choose one among 5 teas.

Eunjoo P — Google review

If you enjoy history this place is worth a visit. Small museum but very interesting and informative. Afterwards we had tea and desert in the on site tea room.

Tadius M — Google review

This was a nice small museum of the former British Consulate. You can walk around the building and its garden for free, and you have to pay to view inside the building. However, the gift shop and the tea shop you can go in for free. The tea shop is a nice place to unwind for a cuppa, but I can't say I enjoyed their chocolate cake.

Tara — Google review

Fun things to do in Hakodate: 34 fun attractions and activities (2025)
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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.