A leg workout can be done at home, with exercises like squats, bridges, dead lifts and hip abductions. These can be done with light equipment dumbbells, kettlebells or resistance band.
Leg workouts can also be done in the gym using specific leg-targeting equipment. These workouts may incorporate legextensions, barbell deadlift and leg curls.
Before starting a leg workout, it is important to warm-up with active mobility exercises to prevent injuries. Ideally, you should consulta personal trainer about devising a specific leg workout that achievesyour goals and respects your limits.
Warming-up for a leg workout
Warming-up before starting a leg workout is important for reducing muscle and joint pain while exercise, as well as improving performance and preventing injuries.
Warm-ups should be made-up of dynamic stretches, which involve active mobility. Some examples include alternating side squats, glute bridges and rolling your hips, knees and ankles.
Leg exercises for a home workout
The main leg exercises you can perform at home include:
1. Squat

A squat is a great leg exercises considered to be an all-encompassing exercise that targets several muscle groups.It works the quads, hamstrings, glutes and calves.
How to perform:Start withyour legs hip width apart, and keep your back straight and core braced. Thenlower yourself as if you were going to sit on a chair, until your thighs are parallel to the ground. You can perform this with just your body weight or with dumbbells. Aim for 3 to 4 rounds of 6 to 15 repetitions.

A deadlifttargets the hamstrings and the glutes andcan be done with a kettlebellsor dumbbells.
How to perform: Holdthe weightin front of your body, at about the height of your quads, then lower it toward your feet, making sure to keep your back straight to avoid activating your back muscles.
While going down, keep your legs either stiff at the knees or slightly flexed, and keep your hips slightly flexed back, to activate your leg muscles. Once you feel a stretch in your hamstrings, slowlyreturn to yourstanding position. Perform 3 to 4 rounds of 6 to 15 repetitions.
3. Bridges

Bridges, or hip lifts, are often indicated to work the glutes and thighs. Theycan be done using just your body weight or incorporating other weights.
How to perform:Lieon the ground with your belly up and feet flat on the ground, hip-width apartThen inhale, lift your hips off the floor as you contract your glutes and core.. Then lower your hips without touching the floor and repeat the same movement.
Another way to complete this exercise is by supporting a barbell or dumbbell on the hips. If using extra weight, you should support your back on a bench and complete the same movement.
4. Donkey kick

A donkey kick is another exercise that mainly works the glutes, although it can also activate the hamstrings.
How to perform: Get down to the ground on your hands and knees hip-width apart and your back straight. With your knee flexed, lift one heel up toward the ceiling, until it is in line with your hips. Contract your glute as you lift your heel up, and then return to your starting position to repeat. Repeat 3 to 4 rounds of this exercises, with 6 to 15 repetitionseach.
Another way to intensify this exercise if by using a weighted ankle band on leg band.
5. Hip abduction on the floor

A hip abduction, or clam shell,on the floor is a legexercise that works the outside of the thigh, the hips, and the glutes.
How to perform:place a legband around both legs, above the knees. Lie on a maton your side, with your knees bent beneath you. Keep your head resting on the arm that is in contact with the floor.
Stack your feet on each other, keeping your knees bent, then lift one knee to externally rotate your hips. You should aim for your maximum range of movement in your upper leg.
Then slowly lower your leg and repeat the movement, performing 6 to 15 repetitions on each leg. You can do 3 to 4 setsof this exercise.
6. Sumo squat

A sumo squat is a leg exercise that targets the quadriceps, inner thigh and glutes.
How to perform:Stand with your legs wider thanhip-width apart. Ensure your toes are slightly facing outwards.
Then bend your knees and lower yourself to the flower, while keeping your back straight. Drop until your hips are just above your knee height. Then raise yourself up to the starting position. To make this exercise tougher, hold a dumbbell or kettlebell, or place a step under each foot to drop even lower.
7. Lunges

Lunges are aleg exercise that can be done at home to target your thighs, calves and glutes. This exercise can help with resistance training as well as mobility.
How to perform: In a standing position, take one step forward with your left foot and keep it planted in front of you. Then bend both knees, until your leg quad is parallel with the floor.Your back foot should be flexed, and supported on your toes.
Then raise yourselfback up and return to the starting position, keeping your weight on the heel of your front foot. Repeat this movement 15 to 20 times, for 2 to 3 sets on each leg.
The lunge can be done with just your body weight, or you can hold adumbbellor kettlebell.
8. Bulgarian split squat

A Bulgarian splitsquat is an exercise that targets the quadriceps and glutes. It can be done tostrengthen these musclesand achieve hypertrophy.
How to perform: Stand in front of a bench or chair. Take a step forward with your left foot, keeping your feet staggered. Then place your right foot on the bench or chair. With your core braced and back straight, flex your left knee and lower yourself the ground, until your right knee touches or is close to the floor.
Then, straighten your leftknee until it is in a semi-flexed position and perform the movement again. Perform 8 to 15 repetitions on each leg, for 3 to 4 sets.
9. Calf raises

Calf raises are an easy exercise that can be included in a home leg workout. It is usually added at the end of a workout to target just the calf muscle.
Working just the calf can lead to great leg stability and more strength, as well as a more visibly toned lower leg.
How to perform:Stand in front of a wall or bench and lean slightly forward. Then stand up on your toes to stretch your calves. Return your heels to the floor, and repeat.
You can do 3 sets of this exercise, with 10 to 12 repetitions in each round. Check-out other calf exercises that can target your lower leg.
Leg exercises for a gym workout
You can include the following exercises for aleg workout at the gym:
1. Leg extensions

The leg extension machine is a great way to work the front of the thigh, or the quadricep muscles.
How to perform: Adjust the chair to your size, so that your back is well supported and your knees do not go in front ofyour feet when sitting.
Thenposition your shinsbehind the machine bar and extend your leg, so that the bar is in-line with your knee when your leg is fully extended. Ensure you lower your leg in a controlled movement, and return to the starting position to repeat. You can perform 3 to 4 rounds of 6 to 15 repetitions.
2. Leg press

A leg press is an excellent way to work the quads. It can be done using the press machine, which allows flexion of the legs at a 45º a 90º angle. A personal trainer can help you picktheequipment that is best for you to use based on your goals.
This is another all-encompassing exercise, as it targets not only the thighs, but also the hamstrings and glute.
How to perform: Adjust the bench and platform to your size. Place your feet on the platform hip-width apart. Hold the handle bars near your hips and unlock the platform. Then push the platform away from you slowly, until your knees are just slightly bent. Slowly return to your starting position and repeat this exercise 10 to 12 times, or as indicated by your personal trainer.
3.Leg curls

This is a great gym-based exercise to target your hamstrings and glutes.
How to perform: Adjust the bench to your size, with your hips lining up with where the bench curves and your calves under the bar. Then flex your legs to about90º and slowly return to your starting position.
It is important that the machine is well-adjusted to your size and weight capability for this exercise to avoid injury and overloading of your lower back. You can perform 3 to 4 rounds of this exercise, for 6 to 15 repetitions.
4. Adduction machine

Using the adduction machine is a great additionto any leg workout. Itmainly targets the inner thighs.
How to perform: Adjust the seat of the chair and sit with your back straight and your innerknees resting on the cushions.
Then unlock the machine and close your legs slowly. In a controlled movement, return to your starting position. You can perform 3 to 4 setsof 6 to 15 repetitions.
5. Barbell deadlift

A barbell deadlift can target the hamstrings and glutes, while alsoactivating the lower back and abs. Itcan be incorporated into a leg workout to achieve muscle gains and strength.
How to perform:position the bar on the floor and stand close to the bar with your feet hip-width apart. Bend your knees and hold the bar with both hands, in-line as your shoulders.
Then, with your back straight and cor braced, lift the bar off the floor, up to thigh level until you are in a full standing position. Then return to your starting position, placing thebar on the floor. Do 3 and 4 sets, with 6 to 15 repetitions each.
6. Nordic curl

A Nordic curl is a powerful leg exercise that works that hamstrings at the back of the leg.
How to perform: Stand in-front of the Nordic curl support at the gym.Get to the floor on your knees, keeping them hip-width apart.Fix your feet on the equipment.
With your back straight and head aligned with your spine, inhale and slowly lean your body forward, controlling the movement, with your thighs, and without bending at the waist.
Then, raise your body, using the strength of your thigh muscles. If this is too difficult, you can support yourself with your hands on the floor to help push your body back to the starting position.